George Alexander

George Alexander has been privileged to serve in full-time Christian ministry since 1985.  He was Senior Pastor and then co-pastor of Liberty Church in Dunfermline in Scotland for a total of eighteen years, after which he moved into a teaching ministry.  For over twenty years, he has been Director of Artios Ministries, specialising in teaching, training, and equipping for ministry.  Additionally, he now serves as a trustee of Go Global.

George is married to Mary, and they have four grown-up children and one grandson.

Course Details

Does the New Testament seem confusing or the detail overwhelming?  Do the books all run together so you’re not sure where things are, what comes after what, and how things fit?  Would you like to be able to understand the background, context, setting and order of events, and be able to see the “big picture?”  If so, this course is for you!

“New Testament Overview” gives a look at the sweep of New Testament history, the life of Jesus, the harmony of the Gospels, the story of the early Church, and an overview of each book.

The course is taught in lecture style with the opportunity for questions and answers.  A downloadable Study Guide is included, consisting of outlines, notes, charts, maps, and Study Guide questions.  Together with a Bible, the Study Guide should be to hand both for reference and for taking extra notes during the course sessions.

This course will be conducted on Zoom.  Upon enrolment, you will be given the login details. Please save these for the duration of the course.


Dates and Times of the course are as follows:


7.30pm – 9.30pm

Thursday 18th April

Thursday 25th April

Thursday 2nd May

Thursday 9th May

Thursday 16th May

Thursday 23rd May

Thursday 6th June

Thursday 13th June

Course Curriculum

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