Welcome to Foundations, a series of 7 studies designed to help establish followers of Jesus and churches on biblical foundations. Every house needs a good foundation for it to last. So also every life, and indeed every church, needs to be built on solid principles.
Merely learning about biblical truth isn’t the goal of this study. The aim is to help our lives to be built on and brought in line with these truths. Jesus is not looking for fans, He’s calling us to be followers, that’s what the word disciple means. Truly, information is nothing without its application. So if you are ready to allow God’s word to inspire, challenge and change your life, then this course is for you.

Here are the 7 studies in this book:

Study 1: God and His word
Study 2: The gospel and our response
Study 3: The baptism with the Holy Spirit
Study 4: The church and God’s global plan
Study 5: The Jesus leadership model
Study 6: A united, loving and charismatic community
Study 7: Being disciples who make disciples

Following each study, there is a frequently asked questions section which will enable the reader to dig deeper into the truths studied.

All profits from this book will be directed to support the work of the Go Global family, focused on discipleship and church planting initiatives worldwide. The Go Global family consists of 1,100 churches with around 75,000 members across 13 countries. To support or learn more please visit us at

To order a hardback version of this book please visit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Foundations-Peter-Anderson/dp/B0CSX7PPZW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=PPPOHKQG9385&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YuydCI1CGWrtCnIRQQs8Lg.k4SpFfGwbMAj84Pw8dao5BxogsgPQhhKmXFWTm7N0fo&dib_tag=se&keywords=foundations+book+peter+anderson&qid=1741099998&sprefix=%2Caps%2C44&sr=8-1

About the Author

Peter Anderson serves as the Lead Pastor of City on a Hill, a multisite church in Edinburgh and the Lothians, which he and his wife, Angie, planted in 1998. Over the years, the church has played a significant role in training leaders who have gone on to plant churches in Scotland, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Additionally, Peter oversees Go Global, a growing family of churches across the world. He is committed to fostering unity among churches in Scotland, playing a key role in promoting cross-denomination prayer and unity movements within the nation.

You can find Peter on Twitter @peteedinburgh2, Instagram & Facebook @peteedinburgh
