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Church Planting Training
Session 1: Embracing the Call
Session 1: Embracing the Call (86:26)
Session 2: Foundational Preparation: Knowledge, Character and Gifting
Session 2: Foundational Preparation: Knowledge, Character, and Gifting (86:44)
Session 3: Strategic Preparation - The Launch Plan and Launch Team
Session 3: Strategic Preparation - The Launch Plan and Launch Team (133:29)
Session 4: Governance and Commissioning
Session 4: Governance and Commissioning (126:41)
Session 5: Entry Strategy Part 1 - Preparing the Ground Through Prayer
Session 5: Entry Strategy Part 1 – Preparing the Ground Through Prayer (94:47)
Session 6: Entry Strategy Part 2 - Taking Ground Through Evangelism
Session 6: Entry Strategy Part 2 – Taking Ground Through Evangelism (99:37)
Session 7: The Person of Peace & Overcoming Opposition
Session 7: The Person of Peace & Overcoming Opposition (59:42)
Session 8: Establishing Disciples
Session 8: Establishing Disciples (101:53)
Session 9: Church Formation and Feeding the Flock
Session 9: Church Formation and Feeding the Flock (97:27)
Session 10: Leadership Development & Apostolic Oversight
Session 10: Leadership Development & Apostolic Oversight (104:06)
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Session 6: Entry Strategy Part 2 – Taking Ground Through Evangelism
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